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5 Useful Resources for Junior Web Developers

 5 Useful Resources for Junior Web Developers 

1. Diagrams - This is such a great web for draw a lot of diagrams you need. I use it for my databases as long as I need to share with my peers.

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2. CSS Section Generator - If you want to take your website design to another level, this separator generator allows you to create different sections for your web.

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3. Grid by example - The perfect place if you need to understand how grid layout works.

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4. JSFiddle - If you need to test your code and you don't want to open VS Code, JSFiddle brings you the possibility to use an online editor.

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5. Sweet Alerts - A beautiful tool for replacement alerts. It's a npm pakage so you need to install it as a dependencie.

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About the Author

I am CS Engineer who is interested in Cyber security, python programming and web development.

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